
Keynote Speaker, Award-winning Technology Entrepreneur &
Urban Futurist

Lucinda Hartley is an urban designer by training, an entrepreneur by vocation and innovator by nature. 

Named as one of Australia’s 100 Most Influential Women by the Australian Financial Review and one of the 100 Most Influential Melburnians by The Age, she has spent the past decade building innovative future-focused companies whose products are now used around the world.

Lucinda is a serial founder and award-winning technology leader. She helped create the UN Sustainable Development Goals for Cities and has delivered city-shaping projects for Google. She is best known as co-founder of big data analytics company Neighbourlytics, where she pioneered leading technology for measuring urban life. Prior to this, as co-founder of placemaking consultancy CoDesign Studio, she delivered over 100 neighborhood improvement projects across Australia. 

Lucinda brings the depth of leadership insight that comes only from first hand experience of building technology companies from the ground up, combined with the strategic track-record gained from implementing innovation strategy for global companies.

As an urban futurist, Lucinda works with business leaders and organisations thrive in the future of work and living. Her groundbreaking work, spanning global projects and influential startups, showcases her unique ability to navigate and shape the future

“Lucinda is at the forefront of the global urbanism movement, challenging traditional approaches to planning and designing cities”

- QANTAS Magazine


Lucinda’s work as a leading urban designer, innovator and technology entrepreneur has been widely recognised.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

As Co-Founder of Neighbourlytics and CoDesign Studio, Lucinda has been selected for the following competitive accelerator programs.

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Work with Lucinda

Lucinda works with business leaders and organisations to define latest social trends, develop growth and innovation strategies and build confidence in the future.

Keynote speaking
MC and Panel Facilitation

Elevate your event with Lucinda as a keynote speaker.

Level-up your understanding of future trends and give your team confidence >

Workshops and

Empower your team with future thinking, innovation strategy and tools to think like an entrepreneur

Level-up your understanding of future trends and give your team confidence. Get in touch to find out more >


Step-change your company growth with data-driven trend insights and consulting.

Get in touch to find out more about how Lucinda works with business leaders and companies >